About Us

The human resource of this company consists of a combination of highly educated young talented engineers and consultants and experts with long technical and managerial experiences working together in different departments including turbo machinery, combustion chamber, system engineering, structure and mechanics, mechanical equipment, electrical equipment, manufacturing and prototyping, quality assurance and laboratories. The team works on design and manufacturing of different propulsion systems such as turbojet, turbofan, reciprocating engines and etc.

Our Philosophy…

International demands of designing industrial parts, subsets and complexes emphasizes the important role of design bureaus. Therefore, our design bureau was funded to design and produce industrial part, subset and complex samples at commercial scale.  Our mission is to address our customers’ needs in all industrial fields consisting of: civil aviation, railway, car manufacturing, marine industry, etc. Based on any industrial request from our customers, it is our duty to design and develop technical knowledge and produce prototype, provide its test infrastructure and equipment, carry out necessary tests and finally delivering it to the customer.

Private Founder

Who try to create a new kind of business

32 Employess

Who cater to your every whim

83 Projects

We got the experience! Use it!

The future is bright.

It is our goal to become the industry leader of modern technology in the field of propulsion systems

Our Skills…

A team of experienced, well-educated staff graduated from best and highly ranked universities of the country along with skillful technicians have enabled Farzanegan Design Bureau to innovate and design any kind of part, subset and complicated system based on the latest technologies. By putting in use modern machines with up to date technology, this bureau has achieved the capability to manufacture any kind of product. Benefiting from extensive knowledge of testing standards, Farzanegan Bureau can provide with designing and manufacturing several kinds of high quality testing equipment and laboratory infrastructures. Reverse engineering of variant kinds of products and developing their technical knowledge are among this company specialty.

Reverse Engineering
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